Fountain "Putti" in St Petersburg
This original name is given to the Italian expression "putto", which means baby. In architecture, these are images of little boys of the ancient era.
Elegant fountain "Putti" is located in front of the main facade of the Military medical Museum. The bowl of the fountain "Putti" is a large octahedron, in the center of which is a figure of a little boy, cast iron. A small statue, 1.15 m high, depicts A "boy with grapes and a shell".
This fountain was launched in 1876, the project of which was executed by P. S. Samsonov. The construction of the fountain was engaged merchant 2nd Guild A. Govorov, investing their own money. In 2000, the fountain building was subjected to serious restoration, and today it pleases guests and residents of Northern Palmyra with its beauty.
Himself Vvedensky garden was formed in 1865 at the site of the hospital life guards Semenovsky regiment. Today it is located between the houses at numbers 45 and 47. It was twice altered: in 1886 forces the gardener I. Visa, and next time, in the years 1927-1928, the master garden Affairs R. Katzer.
The garden had an irregular quadrangle configuration. Around the perimeter were paved path that follows the contours of the square. In addition to it, two more paths passed through the square, and a small round-shaped platform was arranged at the place of their intersection. Here on this site in 1876 a fountain was installed, the bowl of which had the shape of an octahedron, the diameter of which was 4.8 m.
On the territory of the garden in 1837 was built the building of the Church of the Introduction to the temple of the blessed virgin Mary, by whose name the garden was named. For the construction was chosen as the plan of K. Ton. In 1932 it was destroyed, and on this place there was a new site of the square.