Cruiser Aurora in St. Petersburg
The cruiser Aurora in St. Petersburg is a warship of the Baltic Fleet, a legendary cruiser of the 1st rank, which became one of the symbols of the Great October Revolution.

During the 45 years of the museum’s existence, Aurora was visited by more than 28 million people. More than 500 exhibits are kept in 6 premises of the museum exposition: shipping documents and objects of historical and cultural value, documentary photographs, models of ships.
In addition to the Ship Museum on the "Aurora" you can see the wonderful art exhibitions. Exhibitions of paintings here are held regularly. The cruiser is often found in films, as well as the famous children's song “What you dream of, the cruiser Aurora, from the cartoon of the same name.
History reference
The cruiser was built at the shipyard "New Admiralty" and launched on May 11, 1900. The vessel received its name in honor of the sailing frigate Aurora, which participated in the defense of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky during the Crimean War. Three years later, he participated in the construction of warships of the fleet of Russia.
In 1905, the cruiser entered the first battle in the battle of Tsushima in the Far East. After the Russian-Japanese war, he sailed a long time as a training ship. During the First World War, the cruiser actively participated in the battles on the Baltic Sea. And in 1917, the ship’s crew supported the revolutionaries in the February and October events.
It was the idle volley from the Aurora that was the signal for the beginning of the storming of the Winter Palace. In 1927, the cruiser was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
With the beginning of World War II, the crew of the ship began to defend Leningrad. During the blockade the cruiser received a lot of damage and lay down on the ground. Through the efforts of the team in July 1944, Aurora was raised and sent for repairs. After the repair, the ship was moored to the eternal parking at the Petrogradskaya Embankment, and until 1956 the cruiser was used as a training base for the Nakhimov School.
Later, the Ship Museum was opened on the Aurora as a branch of the Central Naval Museum. In July 1992, the St. Andrew’s naval flag was raised over the cruiser, symbolizing the naval force of Russia.
In September 2014, the ship for the first time in 27 years, left the parking lot at the Petrogradskaya Embankment. For two years, it carried out a scheduled repair in the dock of the Kronstadt Marine Plant. In addition to replacing old parts, upgrading the security system and installing video surveillance, the cruiser greatly expanded the museum exposition, including not only the events of the October Revolution, but also the entire history of the Russian fleet.
Operation mode
Aurora Museum is open daily from 11.00 to 18.00. Cashier closes at 17.15. On Mondays and Tuesdays the exposition is closed.
How to get there
The cruiser "Aurora" moored at the Petrogradskaya Embankment, a 6-minute walk from Sampsonievsky bridge.
The nearest public transport stops are located near the bridge at the intersection of Kuybyshev and Chapaev streets. Before the stop "Chapaeva" can be reached by tram number 3, 6 and 40.
From the metro station "Gorkovskaya" (blue line, line number 2) is within walking distance. The journey time will be about 20 minutes, but along the way you will meet many interesting places: the St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque, the House of political prisoners, the House of Peter I, the Troitskaya Square and other squares and monuments.
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