
Classic romantic St. Petersburg and new routes for walks, the best places for dates and long spiritual conversations. St. Petersburg is not just called the most romantic city in Russia. Only the white nights are worth! We have prepared our own guide to places for lovers.

Classic romance: Potseluev Bridge, Summer Garden, Tauride Garden, Colonnade of St. Isaac's Cathedral. Bridges: where to look at the bridges, griffins. Non-classical romance: Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment, Petrovskaya, Petrogradskaya embankment, Petrovskaya Kosa, a summer walk on Yelagin and Kamenny island, the Park of the Anna Akhmatova Museum, the Park of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg metro escalators. Let's go to the cinema: cinema Rodina, cinema Aurora.

All these haste in the summer on the bridges and sudden long walks from the fact that they are still divorced, casual meetings and good-bye. It is so easy to be yourself in this city, it is so easy to dream and realize dreams, talk to strangers, sincerely make friends and fall in love, be fascinated and enchant. Sometimes it seems that every street is the scenery of some kind and romantic film, and you are the main character in this film.

Classic romance

Potseluev Bridge

According to legend, the bridge is named not because of the lovers, but because there was a well-known in those days, the Inn of the merchant Potseluev.
But there is another story: it is said that it was here that the girls said goodbye to their beloved, who went off to sea service.
Anyway, today the bridge offers a picturesque, picturesque view of St. Isaac's Cathedral, and a walk to the Potseluev Bridge can be a very poetic pastime.

Summer Garden

A cozy garden, especially in summer and Golden autumn, where Peter the great and his court ladies and gentlemen walked along the paths. Fountains, sculptures and secluded benches.
There is a sculpture in the Summer garden, near which you can often see how couples confess their feelings to each other, symbolically combine the bonds of love and loyalty. It's a sculpture of Cupid and Psyche.
In ancient myths Psyche, the king's beautiful daughter, was the wife of the God Cupid. This Union could exist only if Psyche did not see her beloved. But curiosity overcame her, and she removed the blindfold. Cupid immediately disappeared. Afterward, they had to go through many trials before they could reunite again.

Tauride Garden

If somewhere and look for silence among the noisy streets of the center of St. Petersburg, in the Tauride garden. Here almost do not reach tourists, and very vain. In summer, nightingales sing here in the evenings. In the depths of the garden, behind a distant pond, there is a "secret" exit through which you can go to trellis street. There is quite near Smolny Cathedral and the Neva embankment.
Especially quiet and calm is near Smolny in the day. There are few people walking in the evenings, rarely drive cars, and tourists come and go organized groups on the bus.
One of the most pleasant places for emotional conversations. The main thing – do not dream and be in time on the bridges, if it happens on a summer evening.

Colonnade Of St. Isaac's Cathedral

Roofs of St. Petersburg, beautiful views of the city, heavy wind and a slight fright, which only enhances the feelings. This, of course, is a very tourist place, there are always a lot of other visitors, but this does not lose the romance of high-rise St. Petersburg.


Of course, the most beautiful thing in St. Petersburg bridges is the fact that they divorce. Even skeptics who have seen their divorce a hundred times stop a hundred and one times at least for a moment.

Divorced bridges – this is perhaps the main romance of St. Petersburg.
Where to look at the bridges.
With a loved one, of course, I want to watch the bridges in solitude or at least without the extra hundreds of other passers-by around.
A few simple rules to enjoy the beauty of drawbridges to the fullest:
When planning a night walk, forget about the Palace Bridge – there are always a lot of tourists. It is better to watch it from afar, for example, from Kronverskaya Embankment.
Choose unpopular places with a good view and descent to the water: the promenade des Angliyskaya near the registry Office, Universitetskaya and Petrovskaya Embankments.

They can be found on a small wooden bridge across the Griboyedov Canal, not far from Nevsky Prospect and the Kazan Cathedral. Even if the meeting is nearing the end or a loved one is in a hurry for business, why not run along this bridge and not make the most cherished wish touching the wings of the Griffins, or at least scratch the lucky portion of this mythical animal for good luck?

Non-classical romance

Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment
Sometimes all the fun begins with the phrase “Let's go look at the ships?” Petersburg is a port city, and this is especially noticeable on the Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment.
Sailboats and passenger liners from faraway countries still moor here. All sea romance is here. Especially it is felt when night falls, bridges will be divorce soon, and you will stay on Vasilyevsky Island for a couple of hours, before the first bridge report. So the evening walk turns into a real night adventure filled with the romance of St. Petersburg.

Petrovskaya, Petrogradskaya Embankments

Embankments in any city have always been a place for walking couples in love.In St. Petersburg, whatnot the street - the promenade.
On the quays near the cruiser "Aurora" a beautiful view of the historic center of the city and paved descents to the water. One of these slopes can be seen a couple of stone lions. Once they guarded the entrance to one of the temples in Manchuria. In 1904, as a token of friendship and appreciation, this inseparable couple was transported to Petersburg. They were installed on the Petrovskaya Embankment, where to this day they are closely watching all passersby on the opposite bank of the Neva.
You can continue your walk in the park near the Gorkovskaya metro station. There is also a nice unusual coffee house in a small grotto called "Bolshe coffee".

Petrovskaya Spit

Getting to this place is not very easy, but the effort is worth it.
Views of the Gulf of Finland, Vasilyevsky Island, beautiful yachts and tourist boats, scooters, sailboats and large barges sailing by. It is better to walk here in the summer, because in winter a strong cold wind blows from the bay.

Summer walk to Elagin and Kamenny Island
Everyone knows about the Central Park of Culture and Culture on Elagin Island, about its zoo, squirrels that can be fed even with hands, how nice it is to ride a bicycle and roller skates in the shade of trees in the summer, and on the skates in the winter. But few people know that there is a cozy stone island very close by. There is also a park with the saying name "Quiet rest."
On Kamenny Island there is one interesting place - a small island on the rowing canal. In the summer, you can sit there all day long, watching the rowers and talking about everything in the world with your loved one.

Park Museum Anna Akhmatova
This little secret place is a park in the courtyards of the bustling Liteyny Prospect.
Tired of the large number of people and traffic jams on Nevsky, we unexpectedly turn into the arch of house 53 on Liteiny Prospect. At first it seems that you are entering an old courtyard with garages, but then a charming quiet square, surrounded by old buildings, opens up. Here, at any time of the year, it is cozy, calm and there is free Wi-Fi.

Park 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg
For those who live in the Primorsky District, the 300th anniversary park will probably be the most pleasant place for walking: the beach on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, the embankment, fountains and a stylized decorative lighthouse with a height of 22 meters. This is the youngest park of St. Petersburg.
Nearby is a large shopping and entertainment complex "Piterland", where you can have a snack, have a cup of coffee with a beautiful view of Vasilyevsky Island, watch sailing ships, yachts and the sunset sun setting in the bay.
Another unusual place for dates is the water park “Pieterland”. Here and relaxed communication, fun and romance of the Gulf of Finland.
Escalators of the St. Petersburg metro
Everyone knows that they are very long. It's five minutes, two lovers are close to each other, look in their eyes and there is nothing that would distract attention. Soon the St. Petersburg subway will become a classic youthful romance - kissing on an escalator, going down into a half-empty night metro. From now on, dates are set only here.

Let's go to the cinema

Cinemas are in almost every area of ​​the city, but there are two special ones among them. And if you go to the cinema with your loved one, it is better to make it beautiful.

Cinema Center Rodina
Old beautiful cinema. Inconvenient chairs have long been replaced by new and soft. There are no top movies and popcorn, but there is a special atmosphere of one of the oldest cinemas in St. Petersburg.
Columns in the hall, massive chandeliers and luxurious stucco ceilings.
At the daily sessions, cinema halls are rarely more than five people.

Cinema Aurora
In this cinema there are both popular films and thematic programs of modern cinema, which cannot be seen in other cinemas. There are special places in the hall for two marked “love”.
All the beauty of this cinema in its interior art-deco style. It seems that, more recently, gentlemen with their ladies, who were close to the emperor, also came here for film shows.

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