
Starts a summer block of night shows of an eccentric comedy with the participation of the permanent jazzman Billy Novik.

The story, combining drama and farce, immerses the viewer into the atmosphere of this amazing city - intelligent, bewitchingly beautiful and unusual. Events develop slowly, although a little nervously. A writer named Felix falls into a love trap. At first glance, history is trivial. Felix really wants to solve the situation delicately. However, the course of events is drastically changed by Irida , who sprang up from somewhere. And the action begins to unfold in a completely unexpected way.

Special offers

Visit SPb Tram Museum and have a memorable ride on a vintage tram through the historical attractions.

Enlarge your War and Peace knowledge by joining Guide For You on the War and Peace Trail. (more…)

If you are looking for something unique to do in Saint Petersburg, experience Russian Blacksmith mastership!


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