
Pavlovsk Palace - one of the brightest decorations of the suburbs of St. Petersburg. Outside, it is not as luxurious as the Catherine Palace in Pushkin, but inside it is simply magnificent.
To say that the interiors of the Pavlovsky Palace are beautiful, then nothing to say. White marble, French tapestries, magnificent chandeliers, beautiful paintings, antique sculptures and a sea of ​​gilding - all this in abundance fills the interior of the Pavlovsky Palace.
All the grand rooms in the Pavlovsky Palace are on the second floor. Inspection begins with the Italian Hall, then the tour goes through the premises of Paul, then his wife Maria Feodorovna. We in our photo-story about the interiors of the Pavlovsky Palace, too, will adhere to such a route, which leads excursions.
Who has been here, immediately remember the Pavlovsk Palace in the photo, who is not - it will certainly catch fire to go there.


So, let's go!

The Italian Hall

The Italian hall is the compositional center of the Pavlovsk Palace. Over it, as well as over all other rooms, worked from 1786 to 1804 three famous architects - Ch. Cameron, V. Brenna and A. Voronikhin.

The hall is decorated with a chic chandelier with ostrich crystal feathers - a real masterpiece.

In addition, this room is famous for the fact that there are no windows, and only on the ceiling in the middle there is a small glass dome. On the one hand, there is enough light, on the other hand it's always cool in the heat.
The Italian hall around the perimeter is decorated with antique sculptures. They were brought from Italy in the eighteenth century. That is why the room and called - the Italian Hall.

Further we go to the rooms of Paul.

Small Cabinet of Emperor Paul I

The first room is the Small Cabinet of the Emperor. It is adorned with a magnificent portrait of Pavel's great-grandfather - Peter the Great.
Another photo depicts a huge mirror and the most beautiful imperial clock that adorns the Small Cabinet of Paul I.
Small office arch is connected with the Parade Library of Paul I.

From the name it is clear to the purpose of this room, but, having entered here, it is possible to fall into perplexity. There are no racks and shelves, as in the usual libraries. In the middle is a large model of an ancient temple. In those days it was considered very prestigious, to have such a small copy.

The Pavlovsky Palace. Parade Library

Immediately attracts a huge ceremonial portrait of Maria Feodorovna, performed by Johann Lumpy in 1795. In addition, the walls are decorated with six pile carpets. This is a gift from Louis XVI.

From the front door library leads to the famous Carpet

This room was created especially for French carpets, donated by Louis XVI to Paul and Maria Feodorovna in 1782. All three walls are decorated with gorgeous tapestries, the cost of which is several million dollars.

The Pavlovsky Palace. Carpet

The carpet room, like most of the rooms that you see in the photo of the Pavlovsk castle, was created by V. Brenna and A. Voronikhin late eighteenth, early nineteenth century.

Next - the Hall of War.

The hall of war received its name due to decorations made in the form of items of ancient weapons.

Gold-plated shields, swords and chain armor adorn the room in abundance.

Next - the Greek Hall, the pearl of the interiors of the Pavlovsky Palace.

Greek Hall

The Greek hall is easily recognized by the antique columns of green marble. This is one of the largest and most beautiful halls of the Pavlovsk Palace.
The Pavlovsky Palace. Greek Hall

In the Greek Hall balls and parades were held. On the windows - curtains of the eighteenth century, embroidered by French craftsmen by hand. For the manufacture of one square meter of such cloth at that time, artisans took about a year!

The Greek hall is decorated with sculptures, chandeliers and lots of gilding.

The next room after the Greek Hall is the Peace Hall. But he is already on the side of Maria Feodorovna. And so, from it the continuation of our photo-story will begin: Interiors of the Pavlovsk Palace. The rooms of the Empress Maria Feodorovna.

Interiors of the Pavlovsk Palace. Rooms of the Empress Maria Feodorovna

The interiors of the Pavlovsky Palace will not leave anyone indifferent. Beauty and wealth is the visiting card of the residence of Paul. Those who have ever been here, forever remembered the ancient statues, French tapestries, magnificent parquet floors and, of course, paintings that filled the room of the Pavlovsk Palace.

The tour starts from the part of the halls of the Pavlovsk Palace, which belonged to the emperor. Photo-story about these rooms, about the Italian and Greek Hall, about the Parade Library and the War Room can be found in the previous article: Interiors of the Pavlovsky Palace. The rooms of Emperor Paul I.

And now - welcome to the halls that belonged to Empress Maria Feodorovna.

Hall of Peace

Like all rooms of the Pavlovsk Palace, the Peace Hall was created by architects C. Cameron, V. Brenna and A. Voronikhin at the end of the eighteenth, early nineteenth century.

The Peace Hall - exactly repeats the War Hall, and the location, and the forms, and the interior decoration. Only here everything symbolizes the world, and the hall is decorated a little differently: there are many bas-reliefs, gold candelabra, carved heridons and other luxuries.

Doors, richly decorated with gilding, lead to the Library of Maria Feodorovna.

Library of the Empress Maria Feodorovna

As in the Carpet Room, the main decorations of this room are French carpets, donated by Louis XVI.

The Pavlovsky Palace. Maria Feodorovna's Library

On the perimeter of the library are low cabinets with books, and on them - magnificent marble sculptures. They were created in Italy at the end of the eighteenth century, and immediately took their place here in the Library of Maria Feodorovna.

Maria Feodorovna's Library

The next room is Boudoir.

The Boudoir is one of the most ornate rooms in the Pavlovsky Palace.

The central place in Buduar's composition is occupied by the writing-table of Empress Maria Feodorovna, magnificent secretaries and other items of furniture in Empire style.

The next room is the front bedroom, the pearl of the interiors of the Pavlovsky Palace.

The main bedroom

The decoration of this room, of course, is a huge bed, on which, by the way, no one has ever slept. It is exclusively a luxury item and a demonstration of the wealth of the imperial family.

Above the bed is a magnificent canopy, a picturesque ceiling and a wonderful chandelier.
There is a lot of gold in the design of the front bedroom, it looks very rich.

In the room is another remarkable thing - a porcelain dressing gown with a mirror. This is a gift from the French king, whom the Empress did not use. Having received this wonderful parting, she immediately ordered it to be sealed under the glass. So it is kept until now.

Behind the front bedroom are two more small rooms - Dressing room and Freyilinskaya. But these rooms are not as luxurious as the previous ones, so we will not eject the photo from there.

Here ends the part of the Pavlovsky Palace, which belonged to the Empress Maria Feodorovna. Now all the ceremonial apartments of the Central Corps, which belonged to the emperor and his wife, were inspected. But the tour does not stop there - the Picture Gallery, the Throne Room and other rooms of the southern wing are ahead. About this - in the next photo-story: Interiors of the Pavlovsk Palace. South wing.

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