  1. Egyptian house ("Egipetskyi dom")

It is impossible to misrecognize the Egyptian house as far as it is impossible to overlook it. In the Egyptian house there are statues of the Sun god Ra protecting the entrance of th house, and over the entrance there is a winged solar disk and the goddess of the sky Hathor. This is, of course, not the whole pantheon, but the scale is impressive. The house was ordered by the wife of Councillor of State Larisa Nezhinskaya, it initially catered for leasing, but the customer wanted something unusual. Mikhail Songaylo that worked in neoclassicism style undertook a project. One more winnowing of the time was an interest in mysticism and occultism therefore the Egyptian subject ideally feed in concept. Construction of the house lasted for two years and came to the end in 1913. The house made a splash not only thanks to design, but also because of modern technologies, there was even an automated elevator in it. The building facade steadily draws the attention: it is largely decorated with bas-reliefs, semi-columns, pilasters. Images of goddesses alternate with the images of mythical beings and mystical symbols. Zakharyevskaya St., 23

  1. Andrey Mironov Theatre "Russian Enterprise" in Saint Petersburg

In the borderland between Kamennoostrovsky and Bol'shoy avenues of Petrogradskaya Side there is a real lock or as it is also called, "The house with towers". It was constructed at the beginning of the 20th century on the place of women's college under the the district's alterations works. Initially the architect and engineer K.I. Rosenstein has to execute the work. He created the project, but did not decide to embody it single-handed and invited one more architect — A.E. Belogrud. A.E. Belogrud suggested to take the project of the classical English lock as a basis and to add elements of neo-Gothic and neo -Renaissance style. In such a manner the unusual jetty towers appeared on the building. The towers reminded chess pieces, arches and glass paintings. In the wall of one of towers they incused a dial with designations of star signs. Before revolution the house was profitable, and then it was nationalized. Today in the profitable house of K.I. Rosenstein there is an Enterprise of Andrey Mironov. In the 2000th year the building strongly was badly hit by the fire, but then it was restored and is opened again for the audience. Bolshoy Avenue of Petrogradskaya Side, 75/35

  1. Brusnitsyn Mansion

In the industrial estate of Basil Island it is possible to see the unusual stone mansion built in the style of eclecticism by the unknown architect. This is Brusnitsyn Mansion. The building itself — is a mixture of architectural features of different eras and nations. It seems that the architect connected everything that he saw and knew in it. In the face of the house it is possible to find the echoes of neo-Byzantine, neo-Gothic and neo - Russian styles and also something from Indian and Moresque cultures. Owners of the mansion were the rich industrialists, they possessed several skinneries. The interior of the house allowed making a trip on different eras: Louis the Fourteenth, late Renaissance, rococo. There were several richly decorated ceremonial halls and even the own greenhouse. But today Brusnitsyn Mansion is better known thanks to the legend of "the Dracula' mirror ". It is considered that this mirror at one time hung in the Venetian palace where there is an ash of the famous vampire. Having moved to Russia, it became the damnation for those who had an imprudence to look in it. Unfortunately, recently the mansion changed its owner, excursions are stopped therefore it is nothing doing to check a legend with no outside help. Kozhevennaya liniya, 27


  1. Profitable House Of Merchants Yeliseyev

This is one more magnificent building on Nevsky Avenue, the well-known shop and theater peacefully neighbor. Pyotr Yeliseyev was a bondman of graph Sheremetyev, however in 1812 he could receive the letter of enfranchisement and open his own business. However, the trading house appeared not at once, but nearly hundred years later, in 1902. At that time Yeliseyev ' business prospered, and was created the whole commercial partnership. Gabriel Baranovsky became the architect of the building; he created the project in modernist style. Magnificent executuion of a housefront had to emphasize the status of merchant association. The building reminds the palace: glass paintings and sculptures on the facade, foliage patterns with gilding in the interior, high-end furniture. Sculptures embody the supreme values of society of the time: trade, art and science. On the second floor of the building there was an auditorium, at different times there played different drama groups, curtain-raisers occured even in besieged Leningrad. Since 1929 the comedy theater of Nikolay Akimov located in the theatre auditorium on a continuing basis. Nevsky Ave., 56/8

  1. Profitable House of Sh.Z. Korf

This place is often called simply as "Five corners" ("Pyat' uglov") though, strictly speaking, "Five corners" is not the building, but the intersection of Zagorodny Avenue with Lomonosov, Rubenstein and Raz'ezzhaya streets, and it emerged in the 13th century, but looked far otherwise. Earlier the house pertained to merchants Lapins, but the city grew, and together with it also increased the need for new housing. The place near the busy intersection was pleasant to the commission agent Sh.Z. Korf, he bought the Lapin house and reconstructed it, having divided the top floor into 6 apartments. On the first floor opened the shops, and on the second — the movie theater opened later. The building is built in the spirit of neoclassicism and has the unusual trapezoid form and a tower at which one time there was a clock; therefore sometimes House of Sh.Z. Korf is called "the profitable house with turrets". On the gables of bay-window it is possible to see a fancy stucco molding, the big windows of second store are decorated with pilasters and sculptures, and on perimeter of the building there are 40 korais, however, from the ground these sculptures are almost imperceptible. At different times in the house there lived many famous people: N.A. Nekrasov, L.K. Chukovskaya, L.N. Gumilyov, M.P. Bronstein and others, several commemorative tables are fixed in honour of the building.


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