Cities-heroes: in places of military glory (continued).
Moscow, Peremilovskaya height
The easternmost point, which reached the German troops, late autumn 1941 year approaching Moscow from the north. Battles for Peremilovskaya height, towering over Yakhroma (it was already captured by the enemy by that time), became key in the defense of the capital.
It was here, at the Moscow-Volga channel, that Soviet soldiers and officers reflected one after another attacks of the Hitlerites, making it impossible to "lightning" strike against Moscow. Here now a monument to the Soldier-Liberator. On Yakhrom, once captured by the German troops, you can admire the 80-meter observation platform.
Kerch, Adzhimushkay stone quarries
Adzhimushkay stone quarries are a stone memorial with carved in granite rocks huge figures of soldiers and the names of the heroes who fought heroically here. Inside - Underground Museum of Defense, which exhibits soldiers' helmets, gas masks, remnants documents from the safe found by search expeditions and ammunition. In these gloomy catacombs during the Great Patriotic War were hidden not only the soldiers of Red The army, but also civilians who fled from villages and cities during the offensive German fascist troops. Partisans have studied the system of underground labyrinths and small detachments made bold forays in the rear of the enemy.
When the Nazis learned that the Red Army men were hiding in the catacombs, they began to blow up and fill in the entrances, they set up avalanches, blocked all the way to the water and let them into the gallery poisonous gas. By the end of the days-long siege, only a few dozen remained alive ... Adzhimushkay tragedy for a long time was hushed up, and talk about the heroes of underground catacombs became only in the 60's. The heroic deed of fighters is the famous book by Lev Kassil "The Street of the Younger son ", which tells about the pioneer Volodya Dubinina.
Tula, street Wolnyansky
During the fighting for Tula on October 30, 1941, the front line of the Soviet defense was located here. The street is named after Lieutenant Grigory Wolnyansky, heroically restraining the offensive enemy and the deceased here during the tank attack. Wolnyansky, who at the time only turned 20 years old, commanded a fire platoon anti-aircraft artillery regiment, consisting of only two guns. These two guns stood the battle with fifty German tanks, attacking Tula, a half dozen enemy vehicles were hit. Tanks, according to memories survived fighters, moved with an interval of 500-600 meters and approached the line of defense at several tens of meters.
The city-hero of Tula was a key point for the enemy - in fact there were weapons warehouses and factories. Thanks to the defensive actions of Soviet troops, the enemy not only managed to take control of these resources, but also to bypass Moscow from the south by implementing a rapid seizure of the capital.
Smolensk, the Mound of Immortality
From the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Smolensk had a hard time, because he was on the way fascists to the capital: it was bombed, burned and crushed. In July 1941, the enemy did not break through to Moscow, it was here that they tried to stop the offensive of the Hitlerites. Locals than could help the soldiers preparing for the defense: they dug trenches and ditches, piled up barricades on roads, built platforms for taking off and landing aviation, nursing wounded soldiers. The fighting was on round the clock. But the city still fell after two weeks, and for two years it was occupied fascist army. There were several concentration camps here, ghettos that killed more 135 thousand residents, hence more than 80 thousand people were hijacked for heavy work in Germany.
A memorial was erected in the memorial park of the Readovka, called the Mound of Immortality. It was opened in 1970, the year of the 25th anniversary of the victory over the Nazis. Here, in Readovka, in More than 3 thousand soldiers and civilians who fought for freedom were buried in mass graves Homeland. Another monument of the park is dedicated to them, "The Sorrowful Mother".
Novorossiysk, Memorial complex "Heroes of the Civil War and the Great
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The main military historical memorial complex of Novorossiysk consists of three parts: compositions "Sailors of the Revolution", "Small Earth" and "Line of Defense" . Composition "Small earth "tells about the feat of the participants in the battles for the Lesser Land and Novorossiysk in 1943 . On
The "ship" is installed on the shore of the bay with the figures of paratroopers, orderlies and commanders, and inside "Ship" is a staircase-gallery with memorable inscriptions and portraits.
"Line of Defense" is located near the old cement plant, which ran the southernmost line Soviet-German front. Here, for almost a year, since February 43rd, participated in the Fierce fighting Soviet soldiers. Through the road a beam is thrown, symbolizing a barrier, which the soldiers put in the way of the fascists.
Brest, Brest Fortress
The Brest Fortress is one of the first bastions to repulse the German forces on June 22, 1941 of the year. Despite the multiple numerical superiority in infantry and technology, German troops hey could occupy it only on June 30, after using heavy bombers, dropping first two 550-kilogram, and then 1800-kilogram bombs. Only after that the fortress fell silent, and the Germans were able to enter. But a few and scattered remaining in the living defenders continued to resist until early August, being in deep German rear. About 5-6 thousand Red Army men were captured. Total at the beginning of the war, the garrison numbered 8 thousand soldiers. The Brest Fortress was liberated on July 28, 1944, the 1st By the Byelorussian Front.