In the Moscow Historical museum there is an exhibition «Miracles of Russia". It can become the very same "final straw" after which the potential traveler will finally lay his dealings aside and go to one of 19 tourist objects which are most accurately presented by iVision Company. The multimedia project shows Russia as a real Wonderland whether these wonders are natural or man-made.
The brand «7 chudes Rossii» ("7 miracles of Russia") appeared in 2008 when the TV channel «Rossiya», the newspaper «Izvestiya» and radio station «Mayak» conducted national vote concerning choice of sights which we most strongly associate with the Russian miracles and delight.
We will present this seven of miracles, the most popular, but hardly capable to bore.
"Man-Pupu-Nyor" translated from Mansi means "little mountain of the gods". The steady science calls them weathering pillars which appeared on this place from high mountains 200-300 million years ago. The rain, snow, wind, frost and a heat were gradually destroying mountains, cruching soft rock. The remained farewell rocks consist of solidly seriate -quartzite slates.
Six "idols" stand in line and one more — over a distance. They are very similar to human figures, and it is no wonder that columns were the objects of Mansi's cult. At the same time climbing up a Man-Pupu-Nyor mountain was considered to be the greatest sin. Those who saw the columns unanimously claim that they had an inexplicable sensation of fear standing behind them and according to the legend this feeling is peculiar not only to ordinary tourists. Here is one of legends retold in the book of the professor V. Varsanofyeva "Life of mountains".
"Voguls roaming here with their reindeer herds are telling that these stone columns once posed seven Samoyede - giants who went through mountains to Siberia to wipe out the Vogul people. But when they vaulted to the top that is called now Man-Pupu-Nyor, their shaman leader saw Yalping-nyor behind him — the sacred Vogul mountain. In a horror struck he thrown his cylinder which has fallen on the high conic pic reding further south than Man-Pupu-Nyor and called Koyp that means the cylinder in Vogul language. Both shaman and all his companions were paralyzed with fear ".
The columns are not of human and they are making an impress at any time of the year. In the winter they are covered with snow and hoarfrost so they make an impression of huge crystal constructions. In autumn often there are fogs, and "idols" are shrouded by mysterious haze. In spring and in summer they remind stone idols, turning Man-Pupu-Nyor into corresponding Easter Island.
Elbrus is a huge ancient volcano sleeping under the cover of permanent snow and ice that for many centuries fills people with admiration and tremor. All its names neighboring languages speak about this fact: Nogai — Elburus, Lord of wind, Balkar — Mingi-Tau, «The everlasting mountain of wisdom»; and what is more «The mountain of blessed», «Mountain of happiness»,» Mountain of a day», «The sparkling mountain», «Shat-mountain» or just «Tent» as Russians in the 17-18th centuries used to call it.
The sacred mountain for many people throughout the millenniums, a clue of civilizations' mysteries and a symbol of all under the sun — from human persistence and endurance to super mundane freedom. In fine weather the two-headed top of Elbrus is visible from far away — from the different Areas of Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessias, Stavropol Territory and Georgia. And from above, there again in fine weather, opens the improbable panorama — it is possible to see both Caspian, and the Black Sea, and even Turkey.
The two-headed five thousand meters construction rises above the clouds. Not all of us know that Elbrus is higher than Mont Blanc by 835 meters and if to draw a border between Europe and Asia in relation to the main dividing range of the Caucasian ridge as many researchers do, this mountain will be the highest top both of Russia and Europe.
However for climbing on Elbrus along the simplest "classical" route (on the southern slope to the western top, 5642 meters) it isn't necessary to be the professional. Any person in good physical shape and accompanied by the skilled conductor is able to do it. East top is slightly lower (5621 m); the difference is small, it isn't visible extrinsically, but it is more difficult to rise by east peak. From the stria between two pics — it is called anticline— at night when the orange moon hangs over the mountain, one of the most impressive views of Elbrus is obtainable.
It is notorious that Baikal — is a "sea", sacred and glorious, the world's largest fresh water storage tank. Everyone has almost mythological image of the sea lake in consciousness, it is subject to even those who has never been on Baikal. Visionally there is an image of the boundless water area disappearing over the horizon. Practically not exactly this way: practically always from one coast of Baikal another is visible, and we can't say that exactly on the horizon. It is possible to estimate the enormous size of the lake if to go along him — Baikal extended for more than on 600 km. Huge depth (up to 1642 m) can be only imagined
The most popular image of Baikal — is permanently summer: dark blue as sapphire, water surface, the dense green woods on coast. Everything is magnificent here, but it is quite expected. But in autumn when the taiga becomes multi-colored, the weather is unpredictable, and coast absolutely become empty, Baikal can irrevocably amaze and subdue. In the winter there is even more exotic: the Baikal ice, clear as crystal, great and dangerous, will open before you a new unpredictable world. And there are also Baikal winds, Arctic cisco, Baikal seal and other Baikal endemics. Main thing is: Baikal — is not a myth, but a surprising reality.
Great Lakes still very clean. Water in it is fantastically clear, awfully cold and tasty. The nature is impressive and manifold, Baikal is extended from South on the North. Everyone finds something special here: one — rest and harmony, others — thrills, and it is just necessary for someone to have only primitive beauty on many kilometers around. And this beauty is here.
Valley of Geysers
Even those who have never been on Kamchatka but saw the movie "Sannikov's Earth" know how approximately the Valley of Geysers looks. It was filmed in the Valley in 1972. However the cinema, of course, can't transfer the stunning impression of a real type of this volcanic canyon. In the world only four geyser fields are known: in Iceland, New Zealand, the Yellowstone national park in the USA and on Kamchatka. Kamchatka is one of the biggest and the exclusive on the continent Eurasia.
"The valley of Geysers" — is actually the inexact name. Officially this place is called as the Valley of Geyzernaya River. It represents an eight-kilometer volcanic canyon only 4 wide and 400 meters in depth. In the Valley there are about 20 large geysers and a set of the sources which are throwing out fountains of almost boiling water and hot steam. Water temperature in the Geyzernaya River even in January doesn't fall lower than 19 degrees.
The excursion track is laid on the center of the valley. Generally with tourism despite huge popularity of the Valley the situation is difficult. From 1977 to 1993 it has been simply forbidden. In the 1993rd the canyon was opened for visit, having created necessary infrastructure, but independent access is strictly limited there. Now it is possible to get to the Valley of Geysers only as a part of organized group, by helicopter. For tourists wooden pedestrian floorings are equipped. Groups are accompanied by the guide and the inspector of Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve.
Mamay and Mother Motherland
Even the alien who suddenly landed on Mamay knowing nothing about the terrestrial history, at the sight of the main memorial of the Battle of Stalingrad will think: there was something very terrible and very important, many have died, but they have won a great victory.
"Height 102" (the original military name of Mamay) was only one of key positions of the Stalingrad battle. Terrible fights were going on and the Bald mountain, both on the island of Lyudnikova, and on Rodimtsev's coast, and at the Traktornyj plant, and on "Krasnyj oktyabr'". All places are noted by monuments, but the point for the main monument needed to be ideally selected.
Originally the memorial was planned to be established just on the Bald mountain — the place of a fighting feat of the 64th army. The bald mountain is higher than Mamay on 40 meters, continuous battles within 147 days were conducted for it, but the position prevented: this is the southernmost tip of one of the longest cities of Russia; here it would be difficult to reach from the center. And "height 102" was eminently suitable: the height in the central part of the city, near Volga. For this reason 135 days also fought for her.
During creation of a memorial the historical relief has undergone changes: in the years of war the top of the hill was where now there is Church of All Saints, in 200 meters from present top. Changes were necessary for installation of a huge important monument.
Creation of a monument was entrusted to Yevgeny Vuchetich, the main sculptor of monuments of the USSR, the author of the most sign, solemn and tragic military monuments. Vuchetich changed the project several times, trying to obtain the ideal embodiment of the idea. The sculpture of Mother Motherland "calls" — whom? We have won. But after Stalingrad until the end of war there were more than two more years, thousands of fights and feats, millions of death. Vuchetich embodied this idea of dedication in a lonely figure of the woman with a sword — future Great Victory.
The military memorial cemetery in the territory of a complex doesn't reflect the real number of the soldiers buried here. By approximate calculations, under legs of Mother Motherland there are 34 500 human remains. "Height 102" really turned into a barrow.
It seems, it isn't less fountains in Peterhof, than trees. Water beats up, flows down cascades, water is sprayed by thin beams, forms a continuous clear veil or just "humorous" pours you over. Gardens on the bank of the gulf — a real triumph of Neptune. God of sea elements in an environment of nymphs, tritons and a dolphin has taken the place above, in the center of Verhnij park. Water purifies air, over fountains rainbows hang, statues sparkle. It is even more sculptures, than fountains, all gods and heroes have gathered. It is difficult to present that this magnificence has literally risen from a non-existence after the tragic German occupation which has completely destroyed Petrodvorets.
In the summer between fountains it is only possible to dream of silent walk — the flow of people with cameras doesn't stop, everything is filled by people. Quietly it is possible to take a walk in some distance from the Big palace, in landscape parks. For example - in Alexandria with its elegant neurotic constructions. There, in the Cottage palace, ordinary definition "the imperial suburb" turns other party, for many unexpected: this informal family manor, giving the Russian tsars. In Peterhof four children of the last emperor were born. Their favourite lower giving on the coast of the gulf hasn't remained, but in the Cottage the personal belongings which for hundred years have endured owners are exposed now.
The Saint Basil the Blessed (St. Basil's Cathedral)
The Saint Basil the Blessed , better known as St. Basil's Cathedral — is unconditionally, the best-known cathedral and Moscow and Russia. Nobody remains indifferently to it: the vanguard Old Russian architecture causes exclusively strong feelings in the range from absolute admiration of impudence of architects before absolute rejection.
Moscow. Pokrovsky Cathedral (the Cathedral of St. Basil).
It is known that the cathedral is constructed in 1555-1561 at the order of Ivan the Terrible in commemoration of capture of Kazan and a win over the Kazan khanate. The common name "Vasily Blazhenny" (Basil Fool for Christ or Basil the Blessed) is connected with the fact that the popular Moscow fool in Christ is buried against the wall of a temple and later he was canonized. Vasily Blazhenny's church built over his grave is attached to a side part of cathedral. It generally represents the ensemble from nine independent churches united by the internal gallery going around the central temple and the external roundabout gallery constructed around all complexes. The temple is decorated by two carved church porches with white stone ladders.
Riddles and the history of Basil Fool for Christ were stated especially for by the remarkable Moscow historian Alexander Mozhaev calling a temple "the greatest sensation of Old Russian architecture". This is perhaps the main thing: "But the creators of Basil Fool for Christ took it a step further: they created not just an image, but actually the model of the Russian paradise, strictly following the scale one to infinity. The tent — is firmament, towers of sacrariums — cathedral and townsman temples. The western Vhodoierusalimskaya tower is decorated with stylized shot holes- the gate of the conventional city. Triangles on sides of sacrariums — are the roofs of tower chambers. New Jerusalem and at the same time Kitezh of Russian fairy tales"