Moscow - the largest city in the country
The number of the Russian capital is more than 12 million people. This is more than all the population of some European countries combined. The giant "anthill" is forming from native Muscovites, visitors from the Russian outback, foreigners who are registered, labor migrants, students.
Moscow can boast of the fact that it represents about fifty religions, that explains the cultural and ethnic diversity of the metropolis. It is also characteristic of it a variety of nationalities, but 90 percent of the total population is Russian.
The increase in the number of cities is a process of permanent and occurs to a greater extent thanks to visitors from regions of Russia and other countries. The main purpose of their arrival is earnings.
St. Petersburg is the northern capital of Russia
The population of St. Petersburg in 2015 was more than 5 million people. Also, the "northern capital "has the status of the fourth largest city in Europe after Moscow, Istanbul and London.
St. Petersburg is recognized as the largest among the northern cities of the world, occupies the first place among the cities that are not the capital.
Petersburg is a city of federal significance in Russia. This is an economic, cultural, transport and scientific node. The city attracts a huge number of tourists from all over the world. St. Petersburg has an undeniable historical and cultural value, and a number of monuments and places of interest are listed in the Unesco World Heritage List.
In the 80 years of the last century, the city's population was also 5 million people, but due to depopulation (excess mortality over births), it fell sharply. At 2012 saw the birth of a five-million resident of the city.
Novosibirsk is the third largest city in Russia by number
Novosibirsk is just over 100 years old. During this time the city from a small village turned into a city - a millionaire. At present, its number has exceeded 1, 5 million people. Novosibirsk is remote from the capital and borders of the country, but despite this, it has more 80 nationalities, including Finns, Kazakhs, Tatars, Koreans, Poles and others. More than 90% of the population are Russians.
The first Russian village, from which the city later emerged, appeared in the last decade of the 18th century. Now it is a world record city, which in a short time has turned from medium-sized city in a millionaire.
Ekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod - cities that close the rating
Ekaterinburg is one of 14 Russian cities with over a million inhabitants. Its number is 1, 4 millions of people. The foundation date of the city was 1723, when, by decree of Peter the Great, on the bank of the river. The Iset launched the construction of an iron-making plant, the largest in the Russian
The Empire.
The tourist value of Yekaterinburg is undeniable. There are many architectural
constructions, monuments and attractions, striking with the beauty, magnificence.
The population of Nizhny Novgorod is 1.2 million people. The city was founded in the 13th century and is included in the list of 100 cities on the planet that represent the world cultural value.
The largest cities in Russia by area
The city of Zapolyarny in the Murmansk region is recognized as the largest city in the occupied territory. Its number is less than 20 thousand people, and the area is larger than Moscow in four times.
The large area of the city is due to the fact that the deposits on the site of which the city, are located far from each other, therefore Zapolyarny possesses such a large plot of land.
Norilsk also has the status of the largest city in Russia. The peculiarity of northern cities is that, that they are located on the territories of mining, and their area depends on, how far the fields are spread.
Sochi takes the third place in the rating. The size of the area on which the resort is located The city is determined by the unique relief and length of the city along the Black Sea coast. It stretches for 145 km and consists of four districts, which everyone heard about Russian: Adler, Lazarevsky, Central and Khostinsky.
Speaking about the southern cities, it should be noted and Volgograd. This is the longest city. It's stretched along the Volga for 160 km.
Each city, small and large, southern and northern, homogeneous and multinational, has its own unique history, they always have something to see. But their very wealth is people who are hospitable and believe that their city is the best in the world.