Museums of the Great Victory: 15 museums and military memorials in St. Petersburg, which everyone should visit.
St. Petersburg was founded as a fortress, guarding the sea borders in the north of Russia. The city survived several wars and a brutal blockade. Everyone needs to be aware of these events, and receive information about them is not only from literature or via the Internet. In our city there are magnificent military museums that store evidence of those years. We have compiled a list such museums, so that you add them to your cultural map.
Monument to the heroic defenders of Leningrad.
The monument was opened on May 9, 1975, on the 30th anniversary of the Victory. In the center of the huge podium - 48-meter obelisk. On either side of it are two sculptural groups, personifying the defenders of Leningrad. Behind the obelisk there is an open memorial hall with a documentary and art exposition devoted to the blockade and defense of Leningrad. Another element of the memorial is the impending torn ring,breakthrough of the blockade. The length of the ring is 124 meters. In memory of the victims on the site with the sculptural group "Blockade" burns the Eternal Flame.
The Museum of the Russian Submarine Force. A. Marinesco.
The museum shows the entire history of the submarine fleet, from the time of Peter the Great to our days. Is absolutely unexpected things, like canned water or a table of percussion between compartments. The exposition of the museum will tell about the actions of submarines during the Great The Patriotic War and the current state of the navy.
Kondratievsky prospect, 83, building.1.
Central Naval Museum 0+ One of the largest museums in the world. In the exposition - more than 700 000 items. These are mock-ups of ships, objects of marine life, instruments, naval form, sea flags and a collection of arms of the imperial family. Among the branches of the museum - the famous cruiser "Aurora". There is an excursion dedicated to the fleet of the Great Period The Patriotic War.
Square Truda, 5
Military Medical Museum 12+
The museum is dedicated to the development of the military medical service and the dedicated work of physicians in heavy military conditions. Located in the premises of the former hospital of the Life Guards Semenovsky regiment, one of the best medical institutions of the XIX century. Collected in the museum
exhibits and documents reflect all stages of the development of Russian medicine and military- medical service. Many exhibition projects are dedicated to the work of physicians during the Great The Patriotic War.
Lazaretny pereulok, 2
The Museum of Defense and the Siege of Leningrad
The exposition is devoted to the most tragic events in the life of the city. For the elderly of Leningrad generation museum of the blockade in Solyan Lane is just as significant as the Kazan Cathedral and Petropavlovka.
Solyanoi per. 9
Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps
The iconic building of the museum is known throughout the country. His exhibits reflect the development of art military affairs. The museum tells about the state regular army from the moment of its nucleation. On the square in front of the museum there is an exhibition of 250 combat units of the army techniques of different years.
Aleksandrovsky Park, 7
Submarine D-2 Narodovolets
A unique monument of Russian shipbuilding and heroic actions of sailors- submariners during the Great Patriotic War. All the compartments of the submarine and its external appearance were completely recreated by what they were in the war years.
VO, Shkipersky channel, 10
Museum of young participants of the defense of Leningrad
School number 210 - almost the only building built during the Soviet regime on the site Nevsky Prospect from the Admiralty to Vosstaniya Square. It opened in 1939, but already two years later the children came out from behind the desks, their seats were occupied by fighters - so the educational institution turned into a military hostel. On the 27th anniversary of the lifting of the blockade, it was decided to leave the museum's school walls are a living reminder of the horrors of the struggle and heroic defense. AT museum collections - archival records, photographs, diaries. Visiting by appointment registration.
Nevsky pr., 14
The Museum "A Muse did not remain silent ..."
This unusual museum was created in 1968 in the school number 235 them. D. Shostakovich, where and is to this day. The museum is dedicated to the culture and art of Leningrad during the Great The Patriotic War. Known throughout the world for a collection of authentic historical documents. The only museum in St. Petersburg, where you can learn in detail about the spiritual life besieged city and its creative potential, claimed by residents during the war years.
nab. rivers Buckles, 4-6
The Museum of the Road of Life
During the siege the road near Lake Ladoga was the only one that connected the besieged Leningrad with a large land. It delivered fuel and food, took the wounded, and in 1942 mass evacuated the townspeople. Today this road has turned into a memorial complex in the open air: several kilometers of already peaceful land, dotted with monuments of courage and inhuman pain, which witnessed the war. On the "Road of Life" there are monuments "Katyusha", "Oak and Laurus", memorial complex "Flower" life ", as well as a fraternal military burial.
str. Smolnogo, 3, lit. A
Memorial "Broken Ring"
The broken arch today symbolizes the rupture of the blockade ring around Leningrad. During the days The convoys assembled on this site, they headed for the eastern shore Petrokreposti, and then returned, having overcome 30 kilometers of the way. Arches in concrete forever there were traces of the tread of machines - a living memory of how the Leningrad and Soviet wars survived in the fight against the enemy. "Broken Ring" is an object of cultural heritage, the monument is included in the memorial complex "The Road of Life".
Leningrad region., Lomonosov district, pos. Kokkorevo
Monument to the blockade tram
Walking along the avenue Stachek, you can stumble upon an old tram, standing in side of the road. In fact, it is a monument to the blockade tram, a kind of symbol courage and valor of the Leningraders. The first tram in the city was allowed along Sadovaya street in 1907 year, and the monument was built by the centenary of this event.
Stachek Avenue, 114
Exhibition complex "Sestroretsky boundary"
The main exhibit is the artillery semi-caponier, whose construction began in the 1930s years, however, by the beginning of the Patriotic War, the agro-industrial complex was not equipped and armed. Counted days needed the soldiers to strengthen and equip the device. Today the AIC and other exhibits "Sestroretsky turn" - a living history of the Soviet military past. Walking on memorial, you will find Finnish armored guns, tanks, bunkers for
casemate guns and others exhibits.
Primorskoye shosse, the 37th km
LO, 37 km of Primorskoe shosse
Piskaryovskoye memorial cemetery
"Here lie the Leningraders" - says the inscription on the granite facade of the cemetery. During the war it became a place of mass graves of civilians and participants of the Great Patriotic War. According to different data in the land of the Piskaryovo cemetery rests from 470 thousand to three million victims and heroes. At center of the memorial is a monument - a six-meter sculpture "Motherland" - a funeral a symbol of life and struggle of the city.
Prospect Nepokoronnykh, d. 72